Giant Panda (pinyin: Xiong mao), Ailuropoda melanoleuca ("Foot-and-white-black cat") or summarized Panda, is a mammal usually classified in the bear family, Ursidae, which is native to central China. The Giant Panda lives in mountainous regions, like Sichuan and Tibet. In half of the 20th century the last, the panda became a kind of symbol of Chinese nation, and now displayed in the gold country.Her Chinese name means "cat-bear," and can also be read in reverse sense. He named the panda in the West because it is similar to the Red Panda, and formerly known as Bear Belang (Ailuropus melanoleucus).
Although the taxonomic he is carnivorous, herbivorous food like most plants, nearly only bambusaja. Technically, like many animals, the panda is omnivorous (Can be called Carnivore, Omnivore, Herbivore), because they are also known to eat eggs, and insects along with bamboo. Both these foods are sources of protein are required.Telinganyabergerak-motion as they chew.The Giant Panda is also still brothers with the Red Panda, but they are named like their eating habits seem to akrena bamboo. Prior to its relationship with Red Panda was discovered in 1901, the Giant Panda known as two-colored bear.For many decades the precise taxonomic classification of the panda is debatable because both Giant Panda and Red Panda has the characteristics such as bears and raccoons. However, genetic testing revealed that Giant Pandas are true bears and including the family Ursidae. Closest relatives in the bear family is bespectacled bear in South America. It's still debatable whether the Red Panda, including family Ursidaea tau rakut family, Procyonidae.Giant Panda including endangered species, threatened by habitat loss and very low birth rates, either in nature or in the cage. About 1,600 are believed still alive in the wild. The Giant Panda is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), nature conservation organizations.The Giant Panda has claws that odd, with the "thumb" and five fingers; "thumb" is actually bone-modified wrist. Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay on this topic, then use the title The Panda's Thumb for a book of collected essays.
The Giant Panda was first known in the Western world in 1869 by French missionary Armand David (1826-1900). Giant Panda long been a favorite animal communities, partly because the species is cute like a baby, similar to a teddy bear to live. Panda also often pictured lounging, eating bamboo, not hunting, so that adds to its image as a sweet and peaceful animals.Borrowing large pandas to the zoo the United States and Japan is an important part of diplomacy, People's Republic Cinapada the 1970's because borrowing is marked in part the first cultural exchange between China and the West.However, in 1984, the panda is no longer used as a tool of diplomacy. Instead, China began to offer pandas to other countries to borrowing only ten years old. Provisions include a standard lending rate to $ 1,000,000 per year and the requirement that children born during the loan is owned by the People's Republic of China.

In1998 due to lawsuits by the WWF, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requires that U.S. zoos that want to import pandas for ensuring that China mounted a half fare channeled to efforts to conserve wild pandas and their habitats, then the agency would issue a permit the importation of pandas.
How are bears and pandas similar?????????????