Habitat Honey bears live in tropical rain forests around Asia Honey bears live in primary forests, secondary forests and often also on agricultural lands, they are usually located in a tree at a height of 2-7 meters from the ground, and likes to break the branches of a tree or make it curved to create a nest. Honey bear habitat are in areas of Southeast Asia's tropical rain. The distribution is contained on the island of Borneo, Sumatra, Indochina, South China, Burma and the Malay Peninsula. Hence this type do not require another period of hibernation like bears living in the area of four seasons. Sun bears in the past known spread to almost all continents of Asia, but is now becoming increasingly rare due to habitat loss and fragmentation.
Food Honey bears are omnivorous animals that eat anything in the forest. They eat a variety of fruit and tropical rain forest plants, including plant shoots jenispalem. They also eat insects, honey, birds and other small animals. When the sun bear eating the fruit, seeds swallowed whole, so it is not broken, after a bowel movement, seed that is in the dirt began to grow so that sun bears have a very important role as a disseminator of stone fruit plants such as similar to jackfruit, durian, lahung, kerantungan and many other species. In areas that have been disturbed by humans, they would destroy farmland, destroying banana, papaya or other garden plants.
Behavior Honey Bears a solitary life in the wild. Honey bears are nocturnal or also called nocturnal creatures, they spend time on the ground and climb trees to find food. Except for females with children, sun bears are generally solitary. They do not hibernate as any other bear species because their feed resources available throughout the year. In one day a bear walking an average of 8 km to find food. Honey bear behavior that is exploring and unpacking is also beneficial to accelerate the process of decomposition and recycling is very important for tropical rain forest. Sun bears are also very involved in forest regeneration as seed dispersers of fruits, and is renowned as an accomplished tree climbers. Its shy, reclusive life, active in the daytime with the needs of a broad ranges.
Breeding Honey bear mating season but has no marriage performed at any time especially when the female bear is ready to mate. Old containing female polar bears is 95-96 days, children who are born usually amounted to two male and breastfed for 18 months. Sometimes, the female polar bears only be seen with a baby and very rarely found to carry two babies after a pregnancy. It is very possible because the sun bears deliberately delay marriage to pursue for a baby is born when the parent has enough weight, the appropriate weather and food are available in adequate amounts. Bears give birth in a nest in the form of caves or tree holes where babies are born without fur and are still very weak to survive. The baby will remain in the nest until he was able to walk with its mother for food. Baby bears in the suspect lived with their mother until the age of two years and then start living independently.
The threat to bears Honey bears have been categorized as vulnerable animals and threatened its survival.This is due to habitat destruction that took place continuously. Biggest threats to sun bears is habitat loss in the form of the tropical rain forest, including forest fragmentation and forest degradation caused by human behavior such as illegal logging and forest clearing for rubber plantations, oil palm and coffee. Another threat for the sun bear is the hunt, both the region and outside the protection of protected areas, parts of the body such as the honey bear bile and fluid katung heavily traded illegally to meet the market demand for traditional medicine. In addition, the conflict between human and bears related to the destruction of agricultural areas is also a threat to the bears of this type. Natural disasters such as forest fires also influenced the survival of bears because they relate closely to the preservation of habitat and food availability.
Conservation Conservation Honey bears are still very rare. This bear has been listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) since 1979 which states that they should not be hunted by anyone. Further research on sun bears is being done, especially on basic-dasarbiologis, ecology, and behavior. Conservation bears need to be focused on the protection of forest habitats, good management of the field of protection of sun bear, the rule of law is firmly associated with the violation of the protection of sun bear, stop trade in bear body parts, and reduce conflicts between humans and bears in the forest.
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